Each year, no less than 200,000 sincere, dedicated people contact mission agencies asking about possible service. But the heartbreaking news is that less than 1,000 will ever make it to the field. Why? There is no one to nurture and guide and equip them to complete the process. In other words, the workers are plentiful, but the mobilizers are few!
Business As Mission
Young People and Global Mission
Have you ever felt you need to “know more” to be sent out as a missionary? Feel too young or inexperienced? I’m sure some of our great missionaries throughout history felt the same way. Fortunately we have a God who no doubt understands our insecurities and fears. Why else would he have chosen David, Ruth, and young Timothy to advance His kingdom?
Reaching Internationals Resources
Every World Christian a Mobilizer
Every Christian a World Christian
Debriefing Your Mission Trip
You've just taken a huge step of faith. You've spent two months in a completely different country and culture. You've eaten who knows what, said "Hello" and "Good-bye" in a new language to unforgettable faces, ridden buses that formally would have been considered sub-standard, and had the best time of your life! Now you're headed for one more hurdle…going back to life as normal. But will it ever be the same again?