Bringing Missions into Your Large Group Meeting


Not everyone will have the chance to speak in front of big groups or have leadership in a meeting like that but if you do, even a small amount of time can have a big impact.  You can be a mobilizer even if you never step on a stage just by facilitating and influencing the content or other parts of a large group meeting.  Below are over a dozen ways that we have seen God use great mobilizers in large group settings to cast vision for the unreached.

  1. Start your weekly meeting with a country update.

  2. Read a missions book or biography and do an overview at the large group meeting. Maybe even have copies for people to buy if interested.

  3. Show a 3-5 minute missions video in your large group meeting to create excitement.

  4. Have missionaries that are home on furlough give a testimony to the group.

  5. Have students who have been on short-term trips give their testimony of how it changed their lives.

  6. Bring in missions focused speakers to challenge the students to get personally involved.

  7. Have an international night where a student of another religion shares for 5-8 minutes about their beliefs.

  8. Have a place at the meeting for students to give loose change that can be donated to a designated mission or missionary.

  9. Give regular updates of what God is doing around the world as you read the paper and watch the news and brainstorm how this will affect the gospel in that region.

  10. Keep a world map in a very visible spot in the meeting room.

  11. Start your large group meeting with prayer for another country.

  12. Devote an entire meeting to prayer for the world. Divide the meeting up into small groups and give each one a different country or people group to pray for.

  13. Host a weekly prayer time at 10:40 for anyone interested in praying for the world.

  14. Host an international dinner at someone's house and invite internationals from a specific country to cook their culture's food.