Our lack of sacrificial giving is one of the key reasons that untold millions remain untold.
Concert of Prayer
The Goal
Each year, no less than 200,000 sincere, dedicated people contact mission agencies asking about possible service. But the heartbreaking news is that less than 1,000 will ever make it to the field. Why? There is no one to nurture and guide and equip them to complete the process. In other words, the workers are plentiful, but the mobilizers are few!
Business As Mission
To Be a World Christian
A World Christian isn’t better than other Christians. But by God’s grace, he has made a discovery so important that life can never be the same again. He has discovered the truth about the unreached world and the fact that he stands in the gap for the church and the world. World Christians have the burden of Christ to believe, think, plan, and act accordingly.
Young People and Global Mission
Have you ever felt you need to “know more” to be sent out as a missionary? Feel too young or inexperienced? I’m sure some of our great missionaries throughout history felt the same way. Fortunately we have a God who no doubt understands our insecurities and fears. Why else would he have chosen David, Ruth, and young Timothy to advance His kingdom?
Apart From Prayer We Can Do Nothing
Did you know that the Kingdom of God will not come apart from PRAYER? The unreached will never hear the sweet name of Jesus without the labor of someone's Spirit-led prayers. Regardless of how things may appear on the surface, nothing of eternal value is ever released without somebody, somewhere PRAYING.