I know of no greater vehicle God is using in America today to stir the hearts of young leaders for the Great Commission. As I travel abroad and speak with missionaries, I always ask them, "How did God get a hold of you for the purpose of reaching other countries for Christ?" If I only had a dollar for every time someone said, "Have you ever heard of The Traveling Team?"
Joel Johnson
"We have been privileged to have The Traveling Team help serve in our campus ministries over the years and to have several of our graduates continue to work with such an amazing ministry! These men and women have a deep heart for Christ and a passion to help this generation of college students learn about God's heart for the world and to see how they can help be a part of the completion of the Great Commission! You will be greatly encouraged to have them speak with the students on your campus!"
Joel Johnson, Stumo KANSAS State
Steve Shadrach
Since it’s inception, I have watched God use The Traveling Team ministry on over a thousand campuses and in tens of thousands of student’s lives. Today, the legacy and influence of The Traveling Team’s world vision extends to virtually every country on the planet. Only eternity will reveal the ultimate impact Todd Ahrend, Claude Hickman, and their sacrificial teams of world changers have made. The body of Christ will forever be indebted.